36 Church Street, Syosset, NY 11791
(718) 888-0635


Thank you for your interest in auditioning for the Children's Orchestra Society. We welcome young musicians (through high school seniors) who wish to commit to our rehearsal and concert schedule.


Entrance auditions are required for all COS programs. All prospective students must complete an application form and pay an application fee to be considered for a program.

Applications can be processed online or downloaded then mailed. If applying online, please make sure you have your credit card information available. Your form will not go through unless a payment has been made.

Application Fee

There is an application fee of $50.00. Upon submission of your online application, you should receive an email confirming that your application was submitted. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact us at info@childrensorch.org, but before doing so, please check your junk/spam folder. If sending a paper application, please enclose a check with your form.

Scheduling An Audition Time

You will receive an email with a proposed audition schedule after we receive your application and payment. Please acknowledge receipt of the email and confirm the date and time with us if there is no conflict or let us know if there is any.

Audition Venue

Currently, all auditions will be held at the COS rehearsal venue in Syosset:

Community Church of Syosset
36 Church Street
Syosset, NY 11791

Online auditions can also be arranged if preferred.

Apply Now

If you are ready to apply, click here for the online application form or download the paper application below.

Audition Requirements

Orchestral excerpts will be emailed to you after your application has been received. Other requirements can be found below.

Kinder Orchestra

Sinfonia Orchestra

Junior Symphonic Ensemble (JSE)

Young Symphonic Ensemble (YSE)

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Teaching Children The Language of Music
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