36 Church Street, Syosset, NY 11791
(718) 888-0635

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no minimum age requirement at COS. What is more important is the child's ability to read letters and numbers and having an interest in learning. Students are accepted until they graduate high school.

One way is to expose your child to different instruments and their sounds. Take them to concerts and events where they can get to hear the instruments are and see how they work. Click on our concerts page for events you can take your child to, where they can discover instruments and even meet our student or faculty performers.

For beginners, local music stores would be a good source. For advancing students, you should consult your private instructor for recommendations of reputable dealers that specialize in the instrument.

COS offers financial aid to students enrolled in our orchestral and chamber music programs. Assistance is awarded based on financial need at the discretion of the directors.

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Teaching Children The Language of Music
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