36 Church Street, Syosset, NY 11791
(718) 888-0635

Majors Program

  • Classes: Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm
  • Instructor: Dr. Gloria Shih
  • Room: Classroom 2

The Majors Program is a four-year curriculum designed especially for advanced students who are eager to expand their understanding of music from solo, ensemble, and theoretical perspectives. In addition to meeting challenging requirements in the study of their solo repertoire, students in the Majors Program must be enrolled in classes in orchestra, chamber music, and musicianship.

Performance is a critical component: Students in the program are required to present solo works in the annual Majors Program Recital, play a jury every semester, participate in performance classes once a month, and compete in the annual COS Discovery Competition. They also have opportunities to perform in workshops and master classes. A grade of at least "Satisfactory" must be maintained in annual evaluations to continue in the program.

Acceptance into the Majors Program is based on a recommendation from COS faculty and a successful audition. Applicants must take theory, ear-training, and dictation placement exams at their audition.

Students usually enter this program in the 7th, 8th or 9th grade and auditions are held before the start of the school year.

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